“Move fast and break things” is a mantra often celebrated in startup culture. It’s a good one—encouraging rapid action and a willingness to take risks. But speed without direction can lead you astray. Speed is how quickly you’re moving; velocity is speed with purpose—movement in a specific direction. In startups, it’s not just about moving fast, but about moving fast in the right direction.
Many startups focus solely on moving fast. Teams rush to build features and push out products, but without a clear vision, they often waste resources and miss opportunities. It’s like sprinting a race with no finish line—you expend energy but end up nowhere meaningful.
Prioritizing velocity means aligning swift action with clear goals. It’s about setting a direction and moving decisively toward it. Every task, every sprint, every meeting is intentional and contributes to your overarching objectives. This ensures your team’s efforts are cohesive, progress is tangible, and momentum builds where it matters.
Embrace velocity over speed. Encourage your team to move quickly, but with purpose and clarity. Don’t just move fast—move fast toward where you truly want to go.